

on orders of $100-$2499

For the items that offer free shipping you will see a message in the shopping cart that shows how much more to spend to quality for free shipping. If the items in your order which qualify for 'Free economy Shipping' total $100-$2499.99 your order will ship in the least expensive way we can since we are covering the shipping cost. In many cases this is by US Mail and it may take a few days for this to get processed and picked up by the post office. The USPS tracking leaves a lot to be desired so once it leaves our dock, you can plan on anywhere from 2-12 business days for arrival. (US Lower 48) *Allow 7-10 business days for ship time.

If you are in a pinch for time you should use your FedEx Account OR select ground shipping or higher and include needed in hands in your notes for the order. We work hard to provide the highest level of service and will get your order on the road as quickly as possible. Once it leaves our dock the responsibility shifts to USPS, FedEx or UPS to finish the process for us!